Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
April 19, 2016
The Tian Shan Policy Center of the ӰƵ University in Central Asia (TSPC AUCA) is delighted to announce the
for students in the Kyrgyz Republic. All higher education institutions students in the Kyrgyz Republic are invited to submit an essay on any topic up to your choice on all the aspects of modern migration, its implications for policymaking and its social, political and economic consequences in society.
An independent and impartial jury will be invited from the state bodies, academic institutions and NGOs in Bishkek to review and select the best essays.
Essays will be evaluated according to topicality and relevance, as well as solutions proposed in the sphere of migration.
The best essay will be awarded a 300 USD prize. The 2nd and the 3rd best essays will receive a 200 USD and 100 USD prize, respectively[1]. Three more essays will be awarded with certificates as distinguished essays, with no pecuniary award.
Three winners and three distinguished best essays will be published in a special edition of the Central Asia Policy Review, the journal of the TSPC.
The deadline for submission of essays is May 30, 2016. Languages of essay writing are Kyrgyz, Russian, English.
For further information and for the submission of essays, please do not hesitate to contact:
Ainur Tairova at tairova_a@auca.kg
Tatiana Zlobina at zlobina_t@auca.kg
With kind regards,
The TSPC AUCA Project team
The TSPC AUCA (https://auca.kg/en/tspc/) is an innovative nonprofit think tank focused on research, analysis, development and implementation of effective approaches to public policy issues in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. By now, TSPC has implemented more than 20 projects in collaboration with the UN agencies, NGOs, and other partner organizations. By 2016, TSPC has been granted upward of US$1 million within the following thematic areas: Good Governance; Environment and Sustainable Development; Human Rights and Migration. The TSPC also publishes the Central Asia Policy Review (CAPR), a quarterly journal. The best essay competition is announced in the framework of implementation of the project ““Building Enabling Environment in KR to Develop Effective Migration Policies: Promoting Capacity of Migration State Bodies and Enhancing Migration Studies in KR”, supported by the Open Society Foundations.
[1] The prizes will be paid in KGS basing on currency exchange rates of the National Bank of the KR.