Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: May1 - 14
Head of IOM / United Nations Migration Agency and the Deputy Coordinator for Central Asia held an open lecture at the KIMEP University on "Trends in migration" In Russian: .
More than 100 thousand people live in Astana without registration - Migration Police In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan and Dubai to exchange experience in combating illegal migration and human trafficking In Russian: .
The main reasons of internal migration in Kyrgyzstan are family circumstances, - National Statistics Committee In Russian: .
Almazbek Atambayev on excitement against migrants from Kyrgyzstan In Russian: .
Exhibition of drawings and photographs devoted to migration and slave trade will be held in Osh In Russian: .
240 vacant jobs offered to the unemployed in the city Guliston In Russian: .
Ministry of Labor of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the representative of the Russian Association for Legal Assistance to Labor Migrants In Russian: .
In Russia, the number of "rubber apartments" has decreased200 times. In Russian: .
In Russia, аmnesty for labor migrants from Moldova have been extended In Russian: .
Remittances from Russia grow only in the countries of the EEU In Russian: .
Worsening food insecurity forcing more people to migrate, finds new UN report In English: .
Why would the United States save refugees and migrants from Central Asia in Moscow? In Russian: .
Uzbekistan turns to its labor migrants In Russian: .
Migrants transferred to Kyrgyzstan half of GDP for 5 years In Russian: .
Newsletter #1 - March 2017 In English: .