Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: February20 - March 05,2015
Meeting on migration was held in the Government In Russian: .
Kazakhstan citizens working in Russia will be able to receive benefits In Russian: .
Large influx of migrant workers in the capital is expected - the State Revenue Department of Astana In Russian: .
Growth in the number of migrants from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in Almaty In Russian: .
More than 200 foreigners violated the rules of stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan YTD In Russian: .
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Russia to analyze how the schedule of travel for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Russian Federation changed In Russian: .
Kyrgyz migrants in Russia have to pay taxes on a part with the Russians In Russian: .
Kyrgyz in Moscow will be able to take advantage of the labor exchange center for migrants In Russian: .
The main part of migrants from the country will remain in Russia In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan set labor migration quotas for foreign nationals in 2015 for 13 thousand people In Russian: .
Kyrgyz migrants’ income in Russia to pay13 percent tax In Russian: .
82 citizens of Kazakhstan in Kyrgyzstan involved for violating immigration laws in 2014 In Russian: .
In Alai region 1368 children of migrants live, in Kara-Suu district - 3391 In Russian: .
In Bishkek City Kenesh offer to issue coupons for internal migrants In Russian: .
Membership of KR in EAEC helps to remove many issues with implementation of labor migration In Russian: .
Effective employment of migrants in Russia discussed in Bishkek In Russian: .
WFP: access to food in the Kyrgyz Republic worsen due to the reduction of migrant remittances In Russian: .
Cash flows of Kyrgyz migrants In Russian: .
National Bank outlined the reasons of monetary base reduction of Kyrgyzstan for 5% In Russian: .
For 2014 remittances from Russia decreased by 2.3%, while in Kazakhstan - 20.8% In Russian: .
GDS: At the beginning of 2015 937,000 internal migrants registered in Bishkek In Russian: .
Photo exhibition on the life of migrants to host in Osh In Russian: .
Problems of labor migration from Tajikistan discussed in Dushanbe In Russian: .
Remittances of Tajik migrants in 2014 decreased by 8% due to the crisis in Russia In Russian: .
Tajikistan in January expelled from its territory 25 foreign nationals In Russian: .
Meeting in the Moscow multifunctional migration center In Russian: .
Tajik migrants in Russia may work on patents received last year In Russian: .
Issues of registration and issuance of a patent for migrant workers discussed in Moscow In Russian: .
Number of test centers migrants increased by 40% In Russian: .
FMS: number of migrants’ applications for work permits decreased In Russian: .
Russian Ministry of Education to check the complexity of tasks in the exam for migrants In Russian: .
Employers are required to notify the Federal Migration Service for employment of foreigners In Russian: .
Practice of issuing patents for migrant workers to improve in Russia In Russian: .
Migrants in Russia can be judged for sham marriages In Russian: .
Testing process of migrant workers in Russia to adjust In Russian: .
Migration flows to Russia increased by 15% In Russian: .
Pension system for migrant workers in the EAEC to be a single In Russian: .
Experts: Returned from Russia migrant workers - potential recruits for ISIL In Russian: .
Nicholas Alisov: Migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Russia get rid of the existing problems In Russian: .
New law in Russia created new challenges for migrants In Russian: .
Boris Silaev: Migrants from Kyrgyzstan to think now on their pensions In Russian: .
What are the characteristics of new norms of Russian Federation migration legislation? In Russian: .
Migrants. Way home. Dubai 1 Episode In Russian: .
Uncomfortable for migrants at their desks In Russian: .
Migrants are jumping along with the ruble In Russian: .
Once migrants leave from Russia and cease to send "dollars", their national currency will collapse immediately In Russian: .
Migrants from Kyrgyzstan again can fill the "black lists" of FMS In Russian: .
The second migration revolution, or about patents, intermediaries, expulsion and salaries In Russian: .
To work in Russia In Russian: .
Does Kazakhstan expect the influx of migrant workers? In Russian: .
Chynara Borkoldoeva: Migration - a world in which I live In Russian: .
What's new in immigration legislation? In Russian: .
How is life of Uzbeks in Kazakhstan? In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan: what to offer for guest workers returning from Russia? In Russian: .
Sergei Abashin: massive outflow of migrants from Russia not expected In Russian: .
Kyrgyz Migrants Wait Days at Russian Immigration Office In English: .
News on Labor migration, №6 (64), October-November 2014 In Russian: .
ILO Research News 1/2015 In English: .
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 5, March 2015 In Russian: .
International Migration, Vol. 53(2) 2015 In English: .
Job centers opened in two KR cities In Russian: .
Tender for the development/revision of foreign migrant workers database for the Ministry of Labor, migration and youth of the KR In Russian: .
Immigration attorney consultation online In Russian: .
“Migrants, Human Rights and Democracy” Summer School in Italy In English: .
Monitoring the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families In English: .