Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: March 19 - April 01
Senate of Kazakhstan adopted amendments to the legislation on employment and migration issues In Russian: .
Number of illegal migrants from Kyrgyzstan decreased in South Korea In Russian: .
Armed conflicts, complex political situation - causes of migration In Russian: .
South Korea to change selection criteria for attracting skilled workers, including from the KR In Russian: .
Since 2010, 214 citizens of the CNR received Kyrgyz citizenship, 129 of them are ethnic Kyrgyz In Russian: .
Tajikistan takes second place among CIS countries in terms of remittances from Russia In Russian: .
Ministry of Labor commented on the Agreement on stay permit of Tajik citizens in Kazakhstan In Russian: .
Uzbekistan leads in terms of remittances from Russia In Russian: .
Uzbekistan takes third place among the countries sending migrants to Russia In Russian: .
Russian Deputy suggested chipping labor migrants In Russian: .
Ministry of Internal Affairs plan to simplify process of obtaining citizenship In Russian: .
Timur Zhaksylykov: "Organization of an international network of HR services and qualifications assessments of labor migrants increase competence of participants in the international labor market and EAEC workforce" In Russian: .
Agreement on EAEC is an effective mechanism for regulating labor migration at the regional level In Russian:
Anticipating water woes can ease migration burden In English: .
Meet the Human Faces of Climate Migration In English: .
UN forum examines role partnerships play in tackling global migration challenge In English: . |
Migrants save Russian economy In Russian: .
Membership of Kyrgyzstan in EAEC did not improve situation of migrants In Russian: .
This year, about 2.5 thousand Uzbeks will be provided with jobs in Turkey In Russian: .
Migrants are not looking for work In Russian: .
Tajiks and Uzbeks told Moscow authorities about real problems of migrants In Russian: .
Why migrants from Uzbekistan so dream of a car In Russian: . |
PLURAL+ 2018 Call for Applications Now Open! In English: .
Request for a competitive application - Creation of resource centers for migrants In Russian: . |