Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: April 03 - 16
Amendments to legislation on employment and migration issues discussed in Astana In Russian: . |
Within the CSTO discussed issues of illegal migration - State Service of Migration In Russian: .
President asks to mitigate conditions for the deportation of migrants in EAEU In Russian: .
Information board for migrants installed at the airport "Manas" In Russian: .
Almazbek Atambaev: Before the EAEU, Kyrgyzstanis migrating as slaves In Russian: .
Chairman M. Aidaraliev met with the Director of the Center for Employment of Population of St. Petersburg In Russian: .
12 information terminals for migrants to install in Kyrgyzstan - State Service of Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: .
The regional thematic seminar "Migration and Prevention" was held in Osh In Russian: .
Over the past year, labor migrants from Tajikistan purchased 433.7 thousand patents for work in Russia
Vladimir Sysoev proposes to introduce obligatory registration of the insurance policy of deportation risk or administrative expulsion
In Moscow, the police were temporarily banned from fining Tajik migrants In Russian: .
Agency for Labor Migration responded to criticism of citizens In Russian: .
Future migrants in Uzbekistan to undergo special training to work in Russia In Russian: .
Migrants from Uzbekistan will go to Russia on special order In Russian: .
National Antiterrorism Committee called labor migrants from the CIS the basis of terrorist groups in Russia In Russian: .
Authorities in Moscow launched an online quest for migrants In Russian: .
Migrant drivers will be given another year to register Russian driving license
Postavnin: anti-migrant sentiments can affect the Russians as well
EEC and CSTO are working on a memorandum on cooperation in combating illegal migration In Russian: .
Extremist organizations paid attention to labor migration from Central Asia In Russian:
How Migrants Can Help Countries Fill Labor Gaps: Learning from Policymakers In English: .
How did the creation of a common labor market affect the migration situation in the EEA? In Russian: .
Migrant. How to insure your health In Russian: .
Foreign experience: Assistance to labor migrants is a priority issue in Tajikistan In Russian: .
Diaspora Networks and the International Migration of Skills: How Countries Can Draw on their Talent Abroad? In Russian: .
Migration. In search of Daddy ... In Russian: .
Do not interfere migrants in the politics In Russian: .
From Russia to Kazakhstan. Labor migration changes the vector In Russian: .