Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: September 20 – October 03, 2013
Kazakhstan to legalize work of labor migrants
In Russian: .
Representatives of the CSTO countries discussed the fight against illegal migration in Astana In Russian: .
Russian and Kazakh diplomats discussed issues of bilateral migration In Russian: .
More than 8 million foreigners entered over the last 5 years into Kazakhstan for temporary stay- Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan In Russian: .
Police clean Astana on illegals: 60 foreigners deported In Russian: .
Young people from the south of Kazakhstan are going to work in Russia In Russian: .
Youth unemployment rate is 5.9% in Kazakhstan: Ministry of Labor In English: .
Causes of labor migration discussed on scientific conference in Bishkek
In Russian: .
UN Volunteers to tell about contracts and workers remittances In Russian: .
Pluses and minuses of Kyrgyzstan's accession to the Customs Union and their impact on migration discussed in Bishkek In Russian: .
Kyrgyz diaspora supported the fight against illegal migration in Russia In Russian: .
Experts: Entering the CU could increase the flow of migrant workers In Russian: .
Best Practices for the reform of initial vocational education - an important tool in protecting the rights of migrant workers In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan plans to open 7 migration offices in Russia In Russian: .
More than 570,000 Kyrgyz migrant workers reside in Russia legally In Russian: .
Kyrgyz people in Orenburg would attend Resettlement Centre In Russian: .
TV studio in Moscow tells about the life of Kyrgyz migrants In Russian: .
Ministry of Labor proposes to tighten the requirements of entry and obtain a residence permit for foreigners on the territory of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: .
Researchers found out the reasons for the lack of documents of migrants In Russian: .
Korean Language Center opened in Bishkek for migrant workers In Russian: .
Inflow of remittances in Kyrgyzstan in the I half-year increased by 10% YoY to $ 850 million In Russian: .
Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in 2013, top the list of countries in terms of remittances as a percentage of GDP - World Bank In Russian: or here.
MS specialists would improve the knowledge on migrants’ health
In Russian: .
Expert: collecting signatures to bypass the migrant does not meet the international obligations of the RT In Russian: .
Migrant from Tajikistan got awarded by a Russian bank for a record remittances In Russian: .
First group of migrants from Tajikistan to Russia receive certificates under new program In Russian: .
About 400 Tajiks received Russian citizenship in Krasnoyarsk in Jan-Aug this year In Russian: .
FMS: 1.30 million Tajik nationals stayed in Russia as of August 31, 2013 In Russian: .
Tajikistan ratifies the agreement on the term of staying in RF without registration In Russian: .
Tajik migration service agency rejects Russia’s FMS reports on the number of Tajik migrant workers In Russian: .
Tajik economy remains dependent on remittances - ADB In Russian: .
EBRD: Tajikistan's foreign trade deficit is almost completely covered by remittances In Russian: .
First press conference of OSCE observers In Russian: .
Money transfer system "MOPS" is expanding its presence in Tajikistan In Russian: .
WB: volume of remittances to Tajikistan in 2013 will exceed $ 4 billion In Russian: .
CEC: We cannot reduce the 5% threshold for migrants In Russian: .
Staff representative of MS RT in Russia visited the Centre for Social Adaptation of migrant workers in Orenburg In Russian: .
Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in Moscow asked the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation to the issue of deportation of Tajik students In Russian: .
To ensure employment
In Russian: .
Jobs fair held in Namangan In Russian: .
FMS reported data on the number of migrants
In Russian: .
Head of the Federal Migration Service: to punish migrants under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for fake documents In Russian: .
Situation of migrants in St. Petersburg to study for 4 million rubles In Russian: .
To issue a brochure for migrant workers in the Kyrgyz language in Moscow In Russian: .
Russia is in the top ten of the main directions of migration in 2013 In Russian: .
Russia would attract in 2014, less than 100,000 migrants In Russian: .
Head of the Federal Migration Service to speak at the UN Forum on Migration In Russian: .
Putin: Russia to tighten law in the area of migration In Russian: .
Russian Statistic: Predict the growth of migration is difficult In Russian: .
State Duma proposes to introduce labor visa for migrants In Russian: .
State Duma initiates a draft law on fines for workers for the use of false documents In Russian: .
Speaker of the Parliament of St. Petersburg: " Need to introduce a visa regime for migrants " In Russian: .
Astakhov called on to deal with the problems of migrant children in the Russian Federation In Russian: .
Another group of migrants began to study Russian language In Russian: .
Russian citizenship costs a hundred thousand rubles In Russian: .
Over five million migrants from Central Asia in Russia - the Federal Migration Service In Russian: .
ILO to launch the project on partnerships for youth employment in the CIS countries In Russian: .
Voronej employers give preference to immigrants from Central Asia In Russian: .
International News
Central Asia & Caucasus: Awaiting Word on Future of Green Card Lottery
In English: .
U.S. and Russia - leaders in the number of migrants In Russian: .
Representatives of the 150 UN member states discuss the impact of migration on development In Russian: .
Migrants from developing countries to send home $414 billion in earnings in 2013 In English: .
ILO to present the latest global estimates on child labor In English: .
New thinking on labor migration needed In English: .
Migration. Tightened control
In Russian: .
Hazardous settlers in the photo Edward Poletaev In Russian: .
Whether the migration amnesty decides issue of migration in Russia? In Russian: .
Children of illegal immigrants might not be allowed in school In Russian: .
Demographic Forecast: Moscow cannot do without migrants In Russian: .
Migrant detective (article) In Russian: .
Alena Doletskaya: Migrants in survival mode In Russian: .
Sochi. Concentration camp in the center of "Olympic city" In Russian: .
Kazakhstan: officially on migrants In Russian: .
Tajik migrants in the presidential election: without collecting signatures, but with the right to vote In Russian: .
Russia. Migration as the number one topic In Russian: .
Federal Migration Service of Russia published statistics that for Kazakhstan is clearly drawn to the sensation In Russian: .
A little bit about migration or small projects (bloggers competition) In Russian: .
Migration threshold In Russian: .
Almaz Bukalaev: We urge Kyrgyz people to follow rules of Russia. Otherwise, a person can become "no entrance". In Russian: .
Russia. How many migrants we need to be happy: do not let or amnesty? In Russian: .
Anti-migrant campaign in Sochi in full swing In Russian: .
How much does certificate of proficiency in Russian language cost? In Russian: .
"MK": Children of migrant workers in Russia to be taught with special programs In Russian: .
New issue of "Voice of Tajik", "Ovozi Tochikistoniho" 69
In Russian: .
Migration Policy Practice "Special Issue on HLD" (Volume III, Number 4, August-September 2013) In English: .
International Migration and Development: Contributions and Recommendations of the International System In English: .
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” # 19, October 2013 In Russian: .
Labor Migration and Development: Setting a course for the future In English: .
Towards the 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (Final report of the High-level Dialogue Series) In English: .
Migration Health – Annual Review 2012 In English: .
Infographics: Youth unemployment In Russian: .
Infographics: Remittances in 2013 In Russian: .
Report on monitoring of consular services provided by diplomatic missions and consular agencies of the Kyrgyzstan in Russia and Kazakhstan. A situational analysis of the rights of labor migrants working in Russia and Kazakhstan In Russian: .
Vacancy: Migration, Employment, Economic and Socio-Economic Issues Expert In English: .
High-level meetings of the 68th Session of the General Assembly High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development: "Making Migration Work" In English: .
Tripartite Action for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant In English: .
Join the e-Discussion on Youth Migration, Equity & Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda In English: .