Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: November 26 - December 09
Ministry of Economy developed a program "Mekenim" to support migrants In Russian: . Kyrgyz State Migration Service plans to increase quota for foreign workers In Russian: . Kyrgyzstan held discussion about pension of migrant workers In Russian: . Experts identify main causes of internal migration in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . Kyrgyz MP proposed to set patents for Uzbek migrants In Russian: . $ 1.9 billion remitted to Kyrgyzstan from abroad for over nine months In Russian: . Number of foreigners in Kyrgyz Republic arrived to work for a year increased by 100 thousand and make up 380 thousand In Russian: . 750 thousand Kyrgyzstanis are in labor migration abroad, 80% of them are in Russia In Russian: . Residents of Batken most often leave for work abroad In Russian: . Company in Bishkek sent migrants to Russia to work without permission In Russian: . |
Tajikistan to host a film festival on migration In Russian: .
Uzbekistan became a member of the IOM In Russian: . Management of Labor Migration Agency detained In Russian: . |
EEC supports efforts of international organizations in streamlining migration processes. In Russian: .
Labor migration within the EAEU to be easier for doctors and teachers In Russian: .
International News
ILO to launch new global estimates on international migrant workers In English: . UNICEF calls for guardianship for children of migrants In English: . New ILO figures show 164 million people are migrant workers In English: .
How does labor migration work in Kazakhstan In Russian: . Can you find happiness over the hill and ... do not die? In Russian: . "New policy of Russian Federation may provoke a second wave of migration" In Russian: . How migration to cities will enrich Uzbekistan In Russian: . Kyrgyz citizens tell the whole truth about Russia In Russian: . How financial pyramids ruin Kyrgyzstanis across the country In Russian: . Female face of migration. 45% of migrants from Kyrgyzstan are women In Russian: . What can Kazakhstan oppose to migration processes? In English: . One third of Russian citizens believe that migrants occupy their jobs In English: . Points for migrants In English: . |
New issue № 88 of “Voice of Tajikistan” - “Ovoz Tochikistonho” In Russian: . International Labor Migration: ILO Global Estimates [Summary] In Russian: . |